
Ups and downs

This week was like a roller-coaster. On Monday, I've got new reagents and could start experiments with a success rate of 80-90%. On Tuesday, I made three mistakes within 5hrs and wasted almost all new reagents. On Wednesday, good news: my manuscript submitted in January was accepted, similar to my abstract sent to an interntional conference and I also got a travel grant from the event organizers... and still the same day I got the notification that had been selected for a very exciting advanced course. On Thursday, some failed experiments and rejection of my application for another course and on Friday, nice and productive benchwork. In summary, the last days were crazy, from hell to heaven and back but we know this is the way how science works... 


BBC news

My host group got interesting results just before my arrival and they could publish it in a decent journal.
See the essence of the story on the BBC's website: